Tuesday 4 October 2016

blog software

Solve the biggest problem of your blogger customer (like other 18500 users)

  • Generating traffic or readers
  • Finding appropriate, royalty-free images
  • Social media set up and marketing
  • Battling with technology
Think again!!! 9 out of 10 bloggers say their biggest pain is creating refreshing content day-in and day-out or week-in and week-out and battling writer's block.
Bloggers try everything
  • outsourcing the writing work
  • inviting guest posts
  • and even commenting on other sites.

And discovered, just like I did, that the results are disproportionately small in relation to the effort spent. And how much original content can a single person produce? At what cost?

High-quality original content takes forever to create.
And professional copywriters charge a fortune!

What if you had access to a magic tool that would:
  • Help create refreshing, google-friendly content
  • Help bring all the popular and rich content on the internet on the topic you want to write about, from a variety of sources
  • Churn out a post or publication that will portray you as a subject-matter expert, boosting your blog and your online presence
  • Help with ranking this post higher on search engines including the big G
  • Maintain and feed backlinks automagically without asking for them
Now you are thinking - well, this has to be illegal or some form of black-hat wizardry more press here

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